AUT Ventures Limited ئاپەکان

Riscometro de AVC Pro 1.0.1
AUT Ventures Limited
Votado como primeiro lugar na categoria de APP para condições desaúde pelo "top doctors" (Inquérito HealthTap). O App Riscometro deAVC foi classificado pela classe médica com a a nota 4.5 em 5.0 Oito em cada dez AVCs sãopreveníveis - o seu é ? O Riscometro de AVC é uma ferramenta únicae de fácil uso para você obter seu risco individual de AVC. ORiscômetro de AVC é capaz de calcular o seu risco através daavaliação de uma série de fatores de risco tais como a idade, osexo, a raça, o estilo de vida e outros aspectos de saúde queinfluenciam diretamente a sua chance de ter um AVC. Foi desenhadocomo uma nova arma para ajudar as pessoas e os profissionais desaúde a reduzir o risco e a incidência de AVC. Voce pode participarde uma estudo internacional de pesquisa, o estudo RiBURST, onde ,submetendo seus dados para nós você vai nos ajudar a entendermelhor o AVC, seus fatores de risco e desenvolver estratégiasglobais de prevenção. Aspectos: - Endossado pela Federação Mundialde Neurologia, rsed by the World Federation of Neurology e pelaAssociação Internacional de Neurologia e Epidemiologia. - Salve esiga seus resultados. - Envie seu resultados por e-mail a pessoasde sua escolha - Acesso a videos de orientação de especialistas -Aprenda sobre os quatro sinais-chave de AVC - S.A.M.U. - Participedo estudo RiBURST Para: - Para as pessoas que querem cuidar dasaúde, para indivíduos de alto-risco ou após AVC. - Para idades de20 a 90 anos. Aprimore seu Riscometro de AVC para a versão PRO paraorientações de condutas personalizadas, salve e siga resultados,opinião de especialistas, videos de orientação, envie por e-mailseus resultados para pessoas da sua escolha. Compartilhe suaexperiência através de rede sociais. Fatos AVC é a segunda maiorcausa de morte em pessoas acima de 60 anos e a quinta maior causade morte entre pessoas de 15 a 59 anos. Em adultos, AVC é uma dascausas líderes em termos de dependência de longo prazo independentede sexo, raça ou local. Dezesseis milhões de pessoas tem um AVC porano. Uma em cada seis pessoas terão um AVC e uma pessoa morre porAVC a cada seis segundos. AVC pode ocorrer em qualquer idade etempo. Afirmação da Organização Mundial de AVC: “ A grande vantagemdo Riscometro de AVC é que ele permite a pessoa calcular seupróprio risco de AVC dentro dos próximos 5 a 10 anos. Armada comesta informação, o individuo com ajuda de seu médico pode reduzir oseu risco de AVC ou ataque cardiaco. É muito mais fácil prevenir umAVC do que tratar. Como disse um paciente meu: o melhor AVC éaquele que você nunca teve!” Prof. Stephen Davis, Presidente,Organização Mundial de AVC. Sobre nós: O Riscometro de AVC nasceudo cérebro do Professor Valery Feigin, no AUT’s (Instituto Nacionalpara AVC e Neurociências Aplicadas) para reduzir a incidência deAVC e salvar vidas em todo o mundo. O aplicativo veio para omercado através "AUT Enterprises Ltd" – escritório de transferênciatecnológica na AUT – Universidade baseada na Nova Zelândia. Oeditor da versão brasileira do app é coordenada pelo Prof. NorbertoCabral, Universidade da Região de Joinville
Riskometer Strok Pro 1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Dipilih sebagai applikasi nombor 1 bagi kategori perubatan-tinjauanHealthtap. Para doktor memberi penilaian 4.5/5 bagi StrokRiskometer- Lapan dari 10 strokyang berlaku dapat dicegah-anda bagaimana? Strok Riskometermerupakan alat unik dan mudah digunakan dalam menaksir risiko andamendapat serangan strok. Strok Riskometer berupaya menghitungrisiko anda dengan menilai pelbagai faktor risiko seperti umur,jantina, bangsa, gaya hidup dan faktor Anda juga boleh menyertaisatu kaji-selidik antarabangsa, RiBURST, dimana anda bolehmengemukakan data anda supaya kami dapat meningkatkan pengetahuanmengenai strok dan faktor risiko berkaitan supaya kami dapatmerancang dan mengembangkan langkah-langkah mencegah strok diserata dunia. Ciri-ciri: - Disokong oleh Organisasi Strok Sedunia (World Stroke Organization) pertubuhan yang menerajui usahamenangani gejala strok, Persektutuan Jantung Sedunia (the WorldHeart Federation), Organisasi Strok Eropah (European StrokeOrganisation) dan Persatuan Neurologi dan Epidemiologi Antarabangsa(International Association of Neurology and Epidemiology) - Lakukantaksiran risiko strok anda dengan cepat bagi tempoh 5 hingga 10tahun yang akan datang. - Lakukan taksiran sama ada setiap 3 atau 6bulan, atau setiap setahun untuk mengawasi risiko strok anda. -Simpan dan trek keputusan. - Emel keputusan kepada individu pilihananda. - Nasihat berupa video oleh pakar- pakar. - Ketahuilah 4gejala strok yang utama dengan berpandukan M.A.T.A. - Sertaikaji-selidik RiBURST -- - Bagi mereka yang ingin menguruskanpenjagaan kesihatan sendiri, individu yang berisiko serta merekayang pernah mengalami strok. - Bagi yang berumur 20 hingga 90+tahun Fakta Strok merupakan sebab kematian nombor 2 di kalanganmereka yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas dan punca kematian yang kelimakerap bagi mereka yang berusia 15-59 tahun. Bagi orang dewasa,strok merupakan salah satu dari penyebab utama kurang-upayajangkamasa panjang tanpa mengira jantina, bangsa atau lokasi.Enambelas juta orang akan mengalami serangan strok setiap tahun.Satu dalam 6 orang akan mengalami strok dalam hayat mereka dansetiap 6 saat berlaku kematian yang berpunca dari strok. Strokboleh berlaku tanpa mengira umur atau masa Kenyataan OrganisasiStrok Sedunia: Kelebihan Strok Riskometer adalah ianya membolehkanseseorang itu menghitung risiko strok sendiri dalam tempoh 5 hingga10 tahun yang akan datang. Dengan maklumat sedemikan, individutersebut boleh mengambil tindakan yang wajar, dengan bantuan doktormereka, untuk mengurangkan risko mereka terkena strok atau seranganjantung. Jauh lebih mudah untuk mengelakan strok dari megubatinya.Sepertimana yang dinyatakan salah seorang pesakit saya, "strokterbaik adalah strok yang tidak terjadi!". Prof. Stephen Davis,Presiden, Organisasi Strok Sedunia. Mengenai kami Strok Riskometeradalah hasil titik-peluh Profesor Valery Feigin, dari InstitutKebangsaan bagi Strok dan Neurosains Gunaan (National Insititue forStroke and Applied Neurosciences) AUT, unutk mengurangkan kejadianstrok dan sekaligus menyelamatkan nyawa di seluruh pelusuk dunia.Ia dibawa ke pasaran oleh AUT Enterprises Ltd-pejabat pemindahanteknologi AUT-sebuah universiti bertempat di New Zealand.Penyunting versi Bahasa Melayu app in adalah Prof. Datin Dr.Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim (Pusat Perubatan UKM, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia), Dr. Ramesh Sahathevan (Calvary Helathcare Bruce, ACT,Australia) and Dr. Wan Nur Nafisah Wan Yahya (Pusat Perubatan UKMMedical, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটার PRO 1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
চিকিৎসকেরা চিকিৎসা সম্পর্কিত অ্যাপগুলির মধ্যে একে শীর্ষস্থানেমনোনীত করেছেন (HealthTap survey) চিকিৎসকেরা স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটারঅ্যাপটিকে ৫ এর মধ্যে ৪.৫ নির্ণয় করেছেন - প্রতি ১০টি স্ট্রোকের মধ্যে ৮টিপ্রতিরোধযোগ্য - আপনারটি কি? স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটার আপনার স্ট্রোকসম্পর্কিত ঝুঁকি মূল্যায়নের জন্য একটি অনন্য এবং সহজে ব্যবহার করারটুল। স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটার একটি ধারাবাহিক মূল্যায়নের মাধ্যমে বয়স,লিঙ্গ, জাতিগত, জীবনধারা এবং অন্যান্য স্বাস্থ্য কারণে সরাসরি একটিস্ট্রোকের সম্ভাবনা ও আপনার ঝুঁকি নিরূপণ করতে সক্ষম। ব্যক্তি এবংস্বাস্থ্য পেশাদারদের সাহায্য করতে ঝুঁকি ও স্ট্রোকের প্রকোপ কমাতেএটিকে একটি নতুন অস্ত্র হিসাবে ডিজাইন করা হয়েছে। এছাড়াও আপনি একটিআন্তর্জাতিক গবেষণা, RiBURST এ যোগদান করতে পারেন, যেখানে আপনি আপনারঝুঁকির ডেটা জমা দিতে পারেন যা আমাদের ভাল করে স্ট্রোক বুঝতে, এবংবিশ্বব্যাপী প্রতিরোধ কৌশল উদ্ভাবনের জন্য সাহায্য করবে। বৈশিষ্ট্য: -নিউরোলজি ওয়ার্ল্ড ফেডারেশন, নিউরোলজি এবং এপিডেমোলোজিইন্টারন্যাশনাল অ্যাসোসিয়েশন দ্বারা অনুমোদিত। .- পরবর্তী 5 থেকে 10বছরে আপনার স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকি দ্রুত মূল্যায়ন - স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকিনিরীক্ষণ করতে ত্রৈমাসিক, অর্ধ বার্ষিক বা বাৎসরিক মূল্যায়ন করুন। -সংরক্ষণ এবং ফলাফল ট্র্যাক করুন - আপনার পছন্দের ব্যক্তিকে আপনারফলাফল ইমেল করুন - বিশেষজ্ঞদের পরামর্শ ভিডিও দেখুন - স্ট্রোকের চারপ্রধান লক্ষণ জানুন - F.A.S.T. - RiBURST গবেষণাতে যোগদান করুন for :সেই ব্যক্তিদের জন্য যারা তাদের স্বাস্থ্য পরিচালনা করতে চান, ঝুঁকিসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি ও পোস্ট স্ট্রোক মানুষের জন্য। ২০ থেকে ৯০+ বছরবয়সীদের জন্য। ব্যক্তিগত ব্যবস্থাপনা ও পরামর্শ-র জন্য স্ট্রোকরিস্কোমিটার PRO আপগ্রেড করুন, সংরক্ষণ এবং ফলাফল ট্র্যাক করুন,বিশেষজ্ঞদের পরামর্শ ভিডিও দেখুন, আপনার পছন্দের ব্যক্তিকে আপনারফলাফল ইমেল করুন। তথ্য স্ট্রোক ৬০ বছরের বেশি বয়স্ক মানুষের মৃত্যুরদ্বিতীয় প্রধান কারণ এবং ১৫ থেকে ৫৯ এর মানুষের মৃত্যুর পঞ্চমনেতৃস্থানীয় কারণ। প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের মধ্যে, স্ট্রোক লিঙ্গ, জাতিগত বাঅবস্থান নির্বিশেষে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী অক্ষমতার নেতৃস্থানীয় একটি কারণ. একবছরে ষোলো মিলিয়ন মানুষের স্ট্রোক হয়। ছয় জন মানুষের এক জন তাদেরজীবদ্দশায় একটি স্ট্রোক অভিজ্ঞতা করেন এবং প্রতি ছয় সেকেন্ডে কেউস্ট্রোকে মারা যান। স্ট্রোক যে কোন বয়সে এবং সময়ে হতে পারে। বিশ্বস্ট্রোক সংস্থার বিবৃতি: "স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটার এর বড় সুবিধা যে এটিরসাহায্যে একটি ব্যক্তি পরবর্তী ৫ - ১০ বছরের মধ্যে স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকিনিরূপণ করতে সক্ষম হবেন। এই তথ্য দ্বারা, তাঁরা তাঁদের চিকিৎসকেরসহায়তায় স্ট্রোক বা হার্ট অ্যাটাক এর ঝুঁকি কমাতে পদক্ষেপ নিতেপারবেন। স্ট্রোক প্রতিরোধ অনেক সহজ চিকিৎসার চেয়ে। আমার রোগীদের একজনবলেন, ভাল স্ট্রোক হল সেই স্ট্রোক যা আপনার হয়নি!” প্রফেসর স্টিফেনডেভিস, প্রেসিডেন্ট, বিশ্ব স্ট্রোক অর্গানাইজেশন। আমাদের সম্পর্কে:স্ট্রোক রিস্কোমিটার অধ্যাপক Valery Feigin এর উদ্ভাবন, AUT ন্যাশনালইনস্টিটিউট-এর স্ট্রোক এবং ফলিত নিউরোসায়েন্সে'র থেকে স্ট্রোকের ঘটনাকমাতে এবং সব বিশ্বজুড়ে জীবন রক্ষা করার জন্য। এটি AUT EnterprisesLtd বিভাগ AUT প্রযুক্তি স্থানান্তর অফিস দ্বারা বাজারে আনা হয় -একটি নিউজিল্যান্ড ভিত্তিক বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়। অ্যাপের বাংলা সংস্করণেরসম্পাদক প্রফেসর দীপেশ কুমার মন্ডল।
Riskomètre de l'AVC Pro 1.3
AUT Ventures Limited
Riskomètre de l'AVC Lite élu numéro 1 dans le catégorieApplications Medicales par les meilleurs médecins (EnquêteHealthTap). Les médecins on donné une note de 4,5/5 à l'applicationRiskomètre de l'AVC - Huit AVCsur 10 peuvent être évités – et le vôtre? Riskomètre de l'AVC PROest un outil unique et facile à utiliser pour mesurer, surveilleret prendre en charge votre risque personnel d’AVC. Le Riskomètre del'AVC est capable de calculer votre risque grâce à l’évaluationd’une série de facteurs de risque tel que l’âge, le sexe,l’ethnicité, le style de vie et d’autres facteurs de santé qui ontune influence directe sur votre risque de faire un AVC. En plusl’application vous donne des conseils personnalisés pour prendre encharge ces risques. Il a été conçu comme une arme pour aider desindividus et des professionnels de santé à réduire le risque etl’incidence d’AVC. En plus, vous pouvez choisir de participer à uneétude internationale de recherche, RiBURST, à laquelle vous pouveztransmettre vos données pour nous aider à mieux comprendre l’AVC,ses facteurs de risque et pour développer des stratégies deprévention globales. Charactéristiques: - - - - - - - - - - Pour:Faire évoluer votre application Riskomètre de l'AVC au niveau PROpour obtenir des conseils de prise en charge personnalisés,sauvegarder et suivre vos résultats, regarder des vidéos avec lesconseils des experts, envoyer les résultats à la personne de votrechoix. Les faits AVC est la deuxième cause de mortalité chez despersonnes de plus de 60 ans et la cinquième cause de mortalité chezdes personnes âgées de 15 – 59 ans. Chez les adultes, l’AVC est unedes premières causes d’incapacité chronique quel que soit le sexe,l’origine ethnique ou l’endroit. Seize millions de personnes dansle monde subissent un AVC chaque année. Une personne sur six subiun AVC au cours de leur vie, et une personne meurt à cause de sonAVC toutes les six secondes. Un AVC peut survenir à tout moment àn’importe quel âge. Déclaration de l’Organisation Mondiale d’AVC:“L’énorme avantage du Riskomètre de l'AVC est qu’il permet à lapersonne de calculer son risque d’AVC pour les 5 à 10 ans à venir.A la lumière de cette information, un individu peut agir, avecl’aide de son médecin, pour diminuer son risque de subir un AVC ouune crise cardiaque. Un AVC est beaucoup plus facile à éviter qu’àsoigner. Comme a dit un de mes patients, le meilleur AVC est l’AVCque vous n’avez jamais eu!” Prof. Stephen Davis, Président,Organisation Mondiale des AVC. Qui sommes-nous: Le Riskomètre del'AVC a été créé par le Professeur Valery Feigin (Institut Nationalpour les AVC et les Neurosciences Appliqués de l’AUT). Le but estde réduire l’incidence des AVC et de sauver des vies dans le mondeentier. Il est commercialisé par AUT Enterprises Ltd – bureau detransfert de technologie d’AUT – à l’Université basée en NouvelleZélande. L’édition française de l’application est sous l’Editiondes Professeurs Yannick Béjot et Maurice Giroud, Université deBourgogne et CHU Dijon-Bourgogne, France
He Whare Ako 1.1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
The ‘He Whare Ako App’ is an interactive educational toolpresenting a culturally responsive mobile learning framework. HeWhare Ako, He Whare Hangarau (a house of learning, a house oftechnologies) framework underpins concepts of Ako (teaching +learning) and Kaupapa Māori (Māori philosophical values),interwoven with mobile learning theories and approaches. Theframework is conceptualised into a metaphorical visual of awharenui (Māori traditional meeting house), and is a values-basedapproach to understanding the role of mobile devices and learningin the context of Aotearoa - New Zealand. It engages with a rangeof culturally responsive pedagogies open to the possibilities ofdigital technologies.
Stroke Riskometer Pro - Farsi 1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
استروک ریسکومتر یا خطرسنج سکته مغزی lite به عنوان اپ شماره یک درحیطه پزشکی توسط پزشکان با تجربه انتخاب شده است. پزشکان مذکور نمره4.5 از 5 به آن داده اند. هشتمورد از ده مورد سکته مغزی قابل پیشگیری است- آیا در مورد شما هم؟استروک ریسکومتر یا خطرسنج سکته مغزی نوع Pro یا پیشرفته یک ابزارساده و بی نظیر جهت ارزیابی - مشاهده/ مونیتورینگ و مدیریت عوامل خطرخود برای بروز استروک می باشد. خطر سنج مذکور می تواند ریسک شما را بادرنظر گیری عواملی مثل سن - جنس- نژاد - سبک زندگی و سایرهایفاکتورهای مرتبط با سلامتی را که مستقیما احتمال سکته مغری را تحتتاثیر قرار میدهد محاسبه کند و یک راهکار و وسیله فردی ایجاد میکند.این روش به عنوان یک روش جدید جهت کمک به افراد و متخصصان عرصه سلامتطرحی شده است تا ریسک و بروز سکته مغزی را بکاهد. شما همجنین میتوانیدانتخاب کنید که به یک مطالعه پژوهشی بین المللی RiBURST بپیوندید جاییکه شما میتوانید اطلاعات خود را جهت کمک به ما جهت درک بهتر سکتهمغزی، ریسک فاکتورهای آن و استراتژی های کلی پیشگیری وارد نمایید.ویژگی ها: تایید شده توسط سازمان جهانی سکته مغزی که سازمان رهبریکننده جهانی در مقابله با سکته مغزی می باشد‍، فدراسیون جهانی قلب ومجمع بین المللی نورولوژی و اپیدمیولوژی بررسی سریع میزان خطر بروزسکته مغزی طی پنج تا ده سال آینده بررسی سه ماهه، شش ماهه یا سالانهبرای مونیتور احتمال سکته مغزی در شما. ذخیره و پیگیری نتایجتان.ایمیل نتایج به فرد مورد نظرتان. توصیه های ویدئویی افراد صاحبنظر.یادگیری چهار علامت نکته کلیدی سکته مغزی - F.A.S.T به مطالعه RiBURSTبپیوندید برای: برای مردم که چگونه سلامتی خود، افراد در معرض خطر وبعد از بروز سکته مغزی را مدیریت کنند. برای سنین ۲۰ تا بالای ۹۰ سال.به استروک ریسکومتر پیشرفته یا Pro ارتقا دهید تا بتوانید توصیه هایمدیریت فردی، ذخیره و پیگیری نتایج، مشاهده ویدئوی توصیه های افرادصاحبنظر و ارسال نتایجتان را به افراد مورد نظر داشته باشید. واقعیتها سکته مغزی دومین علت مرگ مردم بالای ۶۰ سال و پنجمین مرگ سنین ۱۵تا ۶۹ سال است. در بالغین، سکته مغزی یکی از علل اصلی ناتوانی مزمنبدون در نظرگیری جنس، نژاد و محل است. شانزده میلیون نفر سالانه بهسکته مغزی مبتلا میشوند. یک نفر از شش نفر در طول عمر خود دچار سکتهمغزی میشود و هر شش ثانیه یک نفر جانش را در اثر سکته مغزی از دست میدهد. سکته مغزی در هر سنی و هر زمانی میتواند رخ دهد. بیانیه سازمانجهانی سکته مغزی: بزرگترین نفع استروک ریسکومتر آن است امکان محاسبهمیزان خطر بروز سکته مغزی را پنج تا ده سال آتی را فراهم میسازد. درکنار این اطلاعات، فرد میتواند با کمک پزشک خود ریسک بروز یک سکتهمغزی یا قلبی را کاهش دهد. پیشگیری سکته مغزی خیلی راحتتر از درمان آناست. چنانکه یکی از بیماران من میگوید بهترین سکته مغزی آن است کههرگز رخ ندهد! پروفسور استفن دیویس، رئیس سازمان جهانی سکته مغزی درباره ما: خطرسنج یا ریسکومتر سکته مغزی فکر مغز کودک پروفسور ValeryFeigin از انستیتوی ملی سکته مغزی و علوم اعصاب کاربردی اکلند است کهجهت کاهش بروز سکته مغزی و حفظ زندگی افراد در کل جهان می باشد کهتوسط شرکت با مسئولیت محدود AUT - دفتر انتقال تکنولوژی AUT وابسته بهدانشگاه نیوزلند- به عرصه بازار جهانی وارد شده است.
PT@AUT 1.0.6
AUT Ventures Limited
AUT's Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Training qualifies youto work as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. You will gainknowledge and practical skills to help your clients reach theirpersonal health, fitness and exercise goals.
myfuture 1.0.1
AUT Ventures Limited
Designed by AUT for secondary school students. A user friendly appthat provides you with all of the details you need for yourupcoming AUT experience. Join our social media groups! View ourevents, meet our staff and listen to our students. Download the appthat will assist you in building your future with AUT.
Nga Wai o Horotiu Marae 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
AUT Ngā Wai o Horotiu marae serves as a whānau, culturalandspiritual centre. Ngā Wai o Horotiu is one of the ways in whichAUTactively acknowledges the importance of the principles oftheTreaty of Waitangi and expresses our deeply held belief that AUTisa centre of learning not only for all peoples, but alsoaparticular place where Māori have a special and distinct role.NgāWai o Horotiu is a place where you can stand proud. It isatangible sign that the University is a learning organisationandone that is always seeking new ways of doing and being. Ngā WaioHorotiu is the focal point that embraces the history of Māoriandwelcomes the many rich and diverse cultures at AUT.
NZ Trees 9.0
AUT Ventures Limited
The NZ Tree app was developed as a joint project of the SchoolofScience, the School of Engineering, Computer andMathematicalSciences, and the Centre for learning and Teaching atAucklandUniversity of Technology. You can use this App to identifynativeplants and trees through our identification wizard. Thisappcontains over 50 native species that can be found in NewZealandforest and filtered by common, Maori or Latin name.
Kōrerorero 5
AUT Ventures Limited
AUT have developed an app to promote the spoken language ofAotearoa.
AUT Ventures Limited
Our Oceanian Leadership Network is an inclusive interconnectedgroupof students from different faculties, schools and campusesacrossthe university. The network is driven by students who arepassionateabout educational achievement, and focuses on studentsdevelopingtheir own successes through leadership and service toothers.
Stroke Riskometer 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Stroke is the second leading cause of death and disability intheworld. 1 in 4 people have a stroke during their lifetime. Eightoutof ten strokes are preventable – test if yours can betoo!#Dontbetheone! The award-winning, fully validated, free touseStroke Riskometer app is a unique and easy to use toolforassessing your individual stroke-related risk. It calculatesyourrisk through evaluating a series of risk factors such asage,gender, ethnicity, lifestyle and other health factors thatdirectlyinfluence your likelihood of a stroke. It has been designedas anew tool to help individuals and health professionals reducetherisk and incidence of stroke. When you download the app, youcanelect to join an international stroke research study where youcansubmit your data to help us better understand stroke and itsriskfactors and develop global prevention strategies. People from104countries have already joined the study. In this upgrade, wehavefixed some bugs and implemented some new features: -Improvednovelinterface with easily understandable navigation. -Goalsettingoptions for lifestyle and blood pressure control.-Medicationreminder with time setting. -Improved graphs withmonitoringtracking and saving of your progress -Management advicebased onthe user’s risk factors profile. -View experts’ advicevideos.-Extended list of stroke warning signs (F.A.S.T.+). -Shareyourresults with person(s) of your choice. -Language options. Theusercan select the language of their choice from 17availablelanguages. -Endorsed by the World Stroke Organization,World HeartFederation, World Federation of Neurology, EuropeanStrokeOrganisation and a number of national stroke organisations;the appis a flagship project of the the World Stroke Organization,theworld’s leading organisation in the fight against stroke, toreducethe burden of stroke across all countries in the world.-Reducednumber of screens to go through to quickly assess your riskofstroke over the next 5 to 10 years (assessment takes only2-3minutes). -Options to assess your risks quarterly, half yearlyoryearly to monitor your progress. -For people who want tomanagetheir health and lifestyle factors, as well as at-riskindividualsand post-stroke individuals. -For ages 20 to 90+ yearsold.Testimonials "Finally, we have a 'riskometer' that allows ustotell patients that they should assess their own risk profile.Thisis very motivating for persons at risk for stroke and helpsthem toevaluate their behaviour and actively avoid riskylifestyle."Professor Michael Brainin, President, World StrokeOrganization."This is something great. The device will open a newchapter in thefield of global stroke awareness and prevention, andthe people oflow- and middle-income group of countries will be bestbenefited,where basic infrastructure of overall stroke managementis notreadily available." Professor Dipes Kumar Mandal, President,StrokeFoundation of Bengal. "Feedback is one of the mostpowerfulmotivators for adhering to a healthy lifestyle. TheStrokeRiskometer offers a state-of-the-art method of doing so. Thefactthat it is offered for free, makes it likely that it will beusedwidely. The stroke risk factors that it targets, if controlled,cancontribute to reducing not only stroke, but heart diseaseandperhaps even preventing or delaying dementia. May thisapplicationenjoy the wide use and evaluation that it deserves."DistinguishedUniversity Professor Vladimir Hachinski, WesternUniversity,London, Ontario, Canada About us The Stroke Riskometeris thebrainchild of Professor Valery Feigin, from AucklandUniversity ofTechnology’s National Institute for Stroke andAppliedNeurosciences, to reduce the incidences of stroke and savelivesall over the world. It was brought to the world by AUTVentures Ltd– the technology transfer office of Auckland UniversityofTechnology – a world-leading University based in New Zealand.
Stroke Riskometer Pro 1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Voted #1 Medical Conditions app category by top doctors(HealthTapsurvey). The doctor's rated the Stroke Riskometer app4.5/5 - Eight out of 10 strokesarepreventable – is yours? The Stroke Riskometer is a unique andeasyto use tool for assessing your individual stroke related risk.TheStroke Riskometer is able to calculate your risk throughevaluatinga series of risk factors such as age, gender, ethnicity,lifestyleand other health factors that directly influence yourlikelihood ofa stroke. It has been designed as a new weapon to helpindividualsand health professionals reduce the risk and incidenceof stroke.You can also elect to join an international researchstudy,RiBURST, where you can submit your data to help usbetterunderstand stroke, its risk factors and develop globalpreventionstrategies. Features: - Endorsed by the World StrokeOrganization,the world’s leading organisation in the fight againststroke, theWorld Federation of Neurology and the InternationalAssociation ofNeurology and Epidemiology. - Quickly assess yourrisk of strokeover the next 5 to 10 years. - Assess quarterly, halfyearly oryearly to monitor your risk of stroke. - For people whowant tomanage their health, at-risk individuals and forpost-strokeindividuals. - For ages 20 to 90+ years old. - Learnabout four keysigns of stroke – F.A.S.T. - Join RiBURST studyUpgrade to StrokeRiskometer PRO for personalized management advice,save and trackresults, view experts’ advice videos, email yourresults to theperson of your choice. Facts Stroke is the secondleading cause ofdeath of people over 60 and the fifth leading causeof death inpeople aged 15 - 59.In adults, stroke is one of theleading causeof long-term disability irrespective of sex, ethnicityor location.Sixteen million people a year experience a stroke. Onein sixpeople experience a stroke in their lifetime and someone diesof astroke every six seconds. Stroke can occur at any age and atanytime. Endorsement: “The great advantage of the Stroke Riskometeristhat it allows a person to calculate their risk of strokewithinthe next 5-10 years. Armed with this information, anindividual cantake action, with the help of their doctor, to reducetheir risk ofhaving a stroke or a heart attack. Stroke is mucheasier to preventthan treat. As one of my patients stated, the beststroke is thestroke you never had!” Prof. Stephen Davis, President,World StrokeOrganization. About us: Stroke Riskometer is thebrainchild ofProfessor Valery Feigin, from AUT’s National Institutefor Strokeand Applied Neurosciences, to reduce the incidences ofstroke andsave lives all over the world. It was brought to marketby AUTEnterprises Ltd – the technology transfer office of AUT –aUniversity based in New Zealand.
Motutapu Restoration Trust 1.0.0
The Motutapu project started in 1993 in consultation with NgaiTaiki Tamaki Trust and other interested groups. TogetherwithRangitoto, Motutapu represented an unrivalled opportunityforecological restoration close to a metropolitan centre whichcouldcontribute significantly to threatened species’ survival inNewZealand. The island was declared mammalian pest-free in2011,although possums and wallabies were removed during thenineties.Under the Motutapu Restoration Plan, over 500,000 treeshave beenplanted on the island, a forest that is almost canopylevel. Rareand endangered species, as well as unthreatened endemicspecies,are thriving in the pest-free habitat. The island is now asafehome for a small breeding population of translocated KiwiandTakahe – some of New Zealand’s rarest, flightless birds.TheMotutapu Restoration Trust’s work provides opportunities forpeopleof all ages to engage in and be actively involved inconservationand to better understand and appreciate heritage valuesthrough therestoration of Motutapu.
Pipis World 1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Download the Pipi's World app and learn more about all theamazingwork our marine reserves do right here in New Zealand!Follow thespiny lobsters on their underwater march, see how thefood webaffects our ocean waters and discover how you can helpprevent thepollution of our New Zealand waters! What are youwaiting for? Getdownloading so Pipi can tell you all about it!
App Lab 1.0.1
AUT Ventures Limited
The AUT University APP Lab is where the learning meets thedigitalwith education and technology for meaningful learning. TheAPP Labapp is about a cross disciplinary group of academics,researchers,students, designers and developers exploring new waysof learningthrough technology and new media. The APP Lab createspedagogicaltransformation through instructional design, usermeaning-making,emerging learning technologies, and experimental appdesign anddevelopment. Our goal is to produce the best possiblelearningoutcomes for all learners in meaningful ways. This researchandlearning lab represents a coalition of imaginative, creativeanddigitally capable staff and students from the AucklandUniversityof Technology (AUT), and a range of externalinstitutional andindustry partners, dedicated to criticallythinking about andapplying effective methods for successfully usingtechnology forteaching and learning. APP Lab seeks to improvecommunity wellbeingthrough learning experiences, and provideopportunities foremergent and disruptive paradigms intoeducation-based userexperience design.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
The aim of this interactive resource has been developed toassistthe teaching and learning of the assessment and managementofmusculoskeletal disorders of the lower limb. It is relevantforboth undergraduate and postgraduate AUT physiotherapy students.TheApp will guide the student through the process of asubjectiveinterview and objective examination providing a detailedaccount ofthe rationale behind the questions asked during theinterview andtests performed in the hip, knee and ankle region. Thestudent willbe introduced to specific assessment techniquesincluding ligamentinstability tests, intra-articular joint tests,and assessment ofaccessory joint glide. The principles of applyingjoint treatmenttechniques are also introduced with respect to thetreatment ofjoint hypomobility. The techniques described withinthis App aredetailed through the use of video’s, photographs andsupportingtext. This resource is not substitute for carefulinstruction byskilled educators of these techniques.
Destination Wairoa 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Welcome to Destination Wairoa, a slice of paradise tucked awayinthe northern reaches of Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. For thelocalswho hail from this place, it's 'home' and the place wheremanuhiri(visitors) become whānau (family).
Ngāti Whātua ōrākei 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
The reo Māori initiatives below are aimed at increasingthevisibility, the application and the everyday usage of te reoMāoriin multiple contexts including but not limited to Orākei andthehomes of hapū members, in both spoken and written forms. Itseeksto make visible and audible the Māori language so that itpermeatesour environment and reaches the ears and hearts of ourpeople toadvance the cultural capital, health and identity of ourpeople.
A Good Start at AUT 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
The Good Start at AUT app is for new staff who have joined, orareabout to join the Auckland University of Technology. It willdirectyou to information on our website including maps,transport,hospitality key dates and contacts, support available forstudentsand what to do in an emergency! Once you have your AUTemailaddress and password it will also give you access to our inhousesystems including how to get paid and book annual leave.
Practical Innovation & Entrepr 1.1.0
AUT Ventures Limited
This App is an easily accessible, on-line tool, exclusivelyforstudents enrolled in a Practical Innovation andEntrepreneurshipProgram at AUT. It contains graphics, text coursecontent, andlinks to video content.
Toi Tauira 1.0.4
AUT Ventures Limited
This app provides information about the event, includingtheconference programme, location details, and terms of reference.Taumai rā ki te rongohua o Te Toi Tauira mō te Matariki Ekarangatianei e tōna whare, e Te Pūrengi Tae atu rā ki tetāwharautanga nei oTe Mana Hauora Nau mai, piki mai, kake mai rāAuckland Universityof Technology (AUT) is excited to host the 19thWānanga-ā-Tau forTe Toi Tauira mō te Matariki 2018 at AUT.
Haier Hoot 1.4
AUT Ventures Limited
Haier is proud to be the presenting partner of the Big Hoot 2018,anevent that brings storytelling to the streets of Aucklandthrough 47bespoke Owl sculptures, raising funds for the ChildCancerFoundation. The Big Hoot trail runs from 3 March until 6May, 2018.This app was developed to bring to life children’s owndesigns ofthe Big Hoot owl through animated augmented reality.Kids candownload and print an owl colouring-in template from theHaierwebsite (link in app), colour it in and then use the app towatchtheir design hoot, fly and dance.
Sotel 1.0.2
AUT Ventures Limited
The 3rd Annual SoTEL Symposium is hosted by Auckland UniversityofTechnology’s AUT Learning Transformation LAB (altLAB) andpresentsresearch and experiences exploring the Scholarship ofTechnologyEnhanced Learning.
Songs of Horotiu 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Ngā Waiata o Horotiu – Songs of Horotiu Te TīmatangaTheIntroduction Tihei mauriora! It is the breath of life! Naumai,piki mai ki te puna o ngā Waiata o Horotiu Welcome to pool oftheSongs of Horotiu Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, kua ōpeti mai neiToyou who have gathered here Tēnā koutou katoa Greetings to youallMāori songs, war chants, melodies and ditties areessentialcomponents of Māori life, traditon, custom and protocol.Fromcelebration and acknowledgement of life and death to theissuing ofverbal challenges at special events, Māori songs orwaiata arestill sung and performed today, thus ensuring aconnection from thepast to the present. Waiata, old and new providea doorway to Māoriculture and heritage. With this App we are ableto provide accessto the world of Māori waiata. The items presentedand performedhere are well known in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Copyright @ AUT 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
Get practical copyright guidance and support for yourteaching.Copyright is a big topic. Understanding and following therules isup to you. AUT Library has created this guide for you—togive youan overview of copyright and to help you understand how andwhenyou can share materials with students.
Tastes of Home 1.0.0
AUT Ventures Limited
This app is a taster of the “Tastes of Home” cookbook – ourstory,told through our food, about hospitality bringing peopletogether.Here you will get a sneak peek into some of the featuredrecipesand family stories shared by AUT refugee background studentsin thehardcopy book. Highlighting the voices of Auckland UniversityofTechnology students from refugee/migrant backgrounds, TastesofHome captures the essence of welcome, family traditions and anewsense of community and identity for people who now call NewZealandtheir home. This unique cookbook was co-created by AUT’sinclusivestudent and staff community driven by a common desire andpassionto increase the access to tertiary education for refugeebackgroundyoung people who resettled in New Zealand. All proceedsfrom thesale of the cookbook will go towards a Tastes of HomeRefugeeScholarship Fund to support refugee background studentsstudying atAUT. The cookbook is available for purchase online atAUT Shop(
Explora Chile Es Mar 2.1
AUT Ventures Limited
Dive into the sea of ​​Chile and let's learn how to take care of itin an interactive way!
Stroke Riskometer
AUT Ventures Limited
The Stroke Riskometer is a unique app for assessing your individualstroke risk